Thursday, July 24, 2008

MTV Classic Madonna Interview

Madonna was around 23 years old when this interview was conducted. She had just gotten famous and in the first few minutes of the interview you can see why she's been around so long. She was already thinking about business, how to invest her money, what's doing what and who's doing what, and who she needs to work with, etc. etc. Compare this 23 year old pop star to a 23 year old pop star today. I can't name one who comes off nearly as shrewd and quick witted. Most pop stars today are just smiley smiley happy to be getting all the money and can't wait to buy things, with pre-written answers to interview 'questions.'

Viva la Madge.

part two:

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A-Rod over Hot Ass Guy? Yeah Right.....Mrs. Ritchie to REMAIN Mrs. Ritchie.

I KNEW Madonna would not cheat on Guy (Leos are very loyal) ..especially with kids in the mix and I never thought in a million years she would cheat with a married man who just had a baby! (and not NEARLY as hot as Guy).

But I'm glad she spoke out on the subject anyways. The rumors have been all over the internet and I'm glad the Queen finally addressed her minions.


Madonna: We’re Not Getting A Divorce
Sun, 06 July 2008

Madonna finally speaks out on her own accord, denying that she is divorcing director Guy Ritchie or having an affair with Yankee star Alex Rodriguez.

Madge tells People: “My husband and I are not planning on getting a divorce. I know Alex Rodriguez through Guy Oseary, who manages both of us. I brought my kids to a Yankee game. I am not romantically involved in any way with Alex Rodriguez. I have nothing to do with the state of his marriage or what spiritual path he may choose to study.”

She adds, “I have learned over the years not to take accusations and the many false reports about me very seriously. I also appreciate how fiction and fact seem to be perceived as one and the same by people who read both newspapers and the internet.”

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tour Report From Liz Smith

Double dutch in heels? Only the queen can pull this off....(source;

Liz Smith reports from the tour rehearsals

US newspaper columnist and Madonna champion Liz Smith attended the Sticky & Sweet Tour rehearsals and offers this report:

'UHHH....I can't jump rope in high heels!'
'Well, not that high a heel.'
OK folks, who do we know who would jump rope (double dutch, too) in heels? Of course! It is our old friend, the indomitable Madonna.
La Ciccone has been rehearsing her 'Sticky and Sweet' tour in a massive space in New York. Her latest troupe of beautiful dancers is present, as is every other member of a massive Madonna undertaking. When the boss works, everybody works! It is 80 degrees and humid outside. Inside, it's a steam bath. Madonna does not enjoy air conditioning. (Audiences tend to leave her concerts having lost about 10 pounds in water weight.) Everybody looks whipped. Not Madonna.
Without makeup, her long blond hair lank, dressed in funereal black rehearsal togs, she looks fresher, younger and more vital than she does on the red carpet. (She also looks less muscular. Concert lighting and flash photography tends to over-emphasize her toned sinew.) She certainly shakes a tail feather like she is still writhing along the canals in Venice for the 'Like a Virgin' video, filmed before most of her dancers were born.
People close to Madonna, those who love her, are always saying, 'Why don't you relax more, have some fun?' Sometimes she will agree. But most of the time she doesn't bother to give concerned parties her life memo: hard work - pushing herself to the limit and most of all, dancing is her fun and relaxation. So many of her songs celebrate the power of dance and how it can free you - perhaps just temporarily - from immediate care.
Watching this star go through her paces, she seems not to have a care in the world, except to perfect her show. 'That sucked!' she declares after failing to execute her double dutch without error. 'I have to be better.' Madonna pauses and gives a mock scowl to her dancers, 'And so does everybody else.'
Later, she painstakingly explains her vision on one of the numbers. The choreographer is working only from an e-mail he just received from Madonna. She has her vision, now she has to communicate it. The number will feature four girls who are dressed up in various iconic versions of Madonna images past. She's laughing at her old 'looks' and discussing the particulars. 'At first I thought mannequins, then no, real girls would be better. Truthfully, I wanted drag queens - who does me better? But I figured that might be too much drama, you know - those girls love their scenes. And I provide enough of that!'
As Madonna recruits the dancers who'll stand and strike a pose, each holding or wearing a prop, the star will snatch away, the choreographer beams, 'Oh, this is getting so wickedly weird. Now I'm really loving it!'
Throughout the afternoon and evening, Madonna never flags, and never loses her sense of humor or the maternal camaraderie she always shares with her dancers.
Happily lost in her greatest love - her work - it doesn't seem the time or place to bring up her supposedly failing marriage or the betrayal of her brother, Christopher Ciccone, and his tell-all book. (Poor Christopher. He has made his bed, and already the peas in his mattress are the size of boulders. In the end, he will have helped sell a gazillion more tickets to his sister's concerts.) Will Madonna and Guy Ritchie separate? I don't know. I do know they have been deeply in love, very much in sync (certainly at one time), and both these strong-willed people have tried hard to accommodate the other.
The last time I saw Guy and Madonna together they couldn't have been more convivial and affectionate. They were in public, of course, so we take the proverbial grain of salt on that one. I don't think the towel is thrown in yet. It's damp and well used. It's hanging crooked on the shower stall. But it's not quite ready for the hamper. She has three children. She is not cavalier when it comes to divorce. (Remember, this is only her second marriage.)
Certainly Madonna does not look or behave like a woman whose marriage is on the rocks. She wouldn't show that face anyway; that's a great part of her appeal. She doesn't beg her audience for love or understanding. You either understand or you don't. Seen through the oft-distorted prism of the media, her ambition and 'manipulation' is not always admired. Still, many do admire her, without really admitting she has talent. Millions more worship her as a figure of empowerment and forging success in a man's world on a man's terms.
She's the music industry's Hillary Clinton, jumping rope in high heels.

From New York Post